Research, Development and Licensing
Technology for active, bioactive and intelligent medical devices

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Morphoplant is located at the BioMedizinZentrum Ruhr in Bochum, Germany which is based on the campus of the Ruhr University. The centre offers laboratory and office space for innovative high-tech companies in medical technology, biomedicine and the healthcare sector.

Morphoplant has available more than 200 m² of fully equipped laboratories for cell culture experiments, isotope handling, genetic engineering and protein production and purification.

Morphoplant GmbH
Universitätsstr. 136
44799 Bochum
Phone: +49-234-7772870
Fax: +49-234-7772870-20

Arrival by Plane (Düsseldorf) / Train (Bochum main station):

From Düsseldorf Airport take a train to Dortmund and get off at Bochum Hauptbahnhof (main station). From here you can reach the BioMedizinZentrum by taxi in about 15 minutes. Otherwise get on underground line U35 to Hustadt (ca. every 5 min), get off at Ruhr-Universität. Climb the stairs, turn to the right and go downstairs. Then turn around and go to the bus stop where you turn right again. Following the street straight ahead you will reach the BioMedizinZentrum in about 5 minutes.

Arrival by Car:


Coming from Essen take "Bochum-Stahlhausen" exit, turn right into "Wattenscheider Straße". After ca. 200 m turn to the right into Donezk-Ring. Follow the road into Oviedoring and Sheffieldring. After ca. 5 km take "Universitätsstraße" exit and turn right into direction "Ruhr-Universität". Get off at "Universität Mitte" and follow the signs "Technologiezentrum-Ruhr, Bio-MedizinZentrum-Ruhr".

Coming from Dortmund take "Bochum-Harpen" exit, turn right into "Castroper Hellweg" and straight ahead into "Sheffieldring". Take "Universitätsstraße" exit and turn left into direction "Ruhr-Universität". Get off at "Universität Mitte" and follow the signs "Technologiezentrum-Ruhr, Bio-MedizinZentrum-Ruhr".


Take exit "Bochum Querenburg/Ruhr-Universität" and turn into "Universitätsstraße" direction "Ruhr-Universität Bo-Querenburg". Exit at "Universität-Mitte" and follow the signs "Technologiezentrum-Ruhr, Bio-MedizinZentrum-Ruhr".

Navigation system:

When using a navigation system please enter "Josef-Hermann-Dufhues-Platz" as address.